вторник, 15 января 2013 г.


You give what you have when you
Decide that you
Keep burning like fire,
It's burning you down

Sometimes they say this should feel something like fire
'Til it burns you and you can't,
No, you can't remain the same
Stay the same, stay the same, stay the same
I can't change

What do you have to prove
I'll die for you
Keep burning like fire
It's burning you down

Listen or download Sleeping With Sirens Fire for free on Prostopleer

воскресенье, 6 января 2013 г.

Hey yo, what's up?!

Today I tried to start a "NO EARPHONES CHALLENGE".  The reason is that I've been suffering from headache for the last few days.. Nah, that's truth of course but the real big reason is that I understood that I became addicted - I can't imagine my life without music and can't walk out the house without my music with me. Guess what, how much did I hold on? I wanted to count days but I failed in  4 hours. I sustained the way to my training but afterwards... Well, I tried my best! Maybe I'll try again later but now it's totally useless.

Oh, by the way, I'm so into post-hardcore music this months! I open for myself so many bands and new songs, that's just amazing. I want to visit a concert but there's nowhere to go in the nearest half of the year, I must think about it..

вторник, 1 января 2013 г.

Teenage memories

Hello! Every year I'm trying to start posting messages regularly but my idea fails on the other day.

"Мне даже кажется, что сейчас эта идея также провальная, но все же попробовать стоит. Возвращаясь к своим старым записям, где я говорю, что мне еще still sweet 16... Ага, тогда то совершеннолетие казалось мне таким далеким, ну и ладно, все равно эти два года были очень крутыми, будет время - еще расскажу ;)

Столько мыслей было, когда я открывала блоггер, а сейчас все из головы вылетело, ну ладно, начало положено - уже хорошо. Прощаюсь на сегодня, я рада, что хотя бы пароль вспомнила, это уже успех для сегодняшнего вечера".

Thought in Russian tag :3 Think I'll start this tradition and write something when it will be too hard for me to express my thoughts in english.

You know what, recently I've remembered my "hardcore teenage years" if it could be called like that, cause when I was 14-15 even Black Veil Brides was enough heavy for me. And oh God, I understood HOW I MISSED MY FAVORITE GUYS SOOO MUCH! Everything's changed but my tastes never change. And now listening to Escape the Fate, for example, brings me so much pleasure. I remember how I "met this music", I first saw Escape the Fate - "Situations" and fell in love with Ronnie, he was such a badass guy, that I could never ever even dream about to meet. (Haha, I'm talking like something's changed since that time. But no, now I'm Denis Shaforostov social friend, so proud of it! (Make me famous previous vocal, now he's with Down&Dirty) I'm one of 4800, oh yeah, success! Hope to talk to him soon). Till last few months I even didn't know Craig Mabbit is their new vocal, shame on me! Well, just wanted to share my thoughts and tell you what's up on my mind for today. Hope, to write soon!