воскресенье, 6 января 2013 г.

Hey yo, what's up?!

Today I tried to start a "NO EARPHONES CHALLENGE".  The reason is that I've been suffering from headache for the last few days.. Nah, that's truth of course but the real big reason is that I understood that I became addicted - I can't imagine my life without music and can't walk out the house without my music with me. Guess what, how much did I hold on? I wanted to count days but I failed in  4 hours. I sustained the way to my training but afterwards... Well, I tried my best! Maybe I'll try again later but now it's totally useless.

Oh, by the way, I'm so into post-hardcore music this months! I open for myself so many bands and new songs, that's just amazing. I want to visit a concert but there's nowhere to go in the nearest half of the year, I must think about it..

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