среда, 27 октября 2010 г.

Halloween Ideas!

Finally I found time to make this post! ButI won't post my photos here - only ones I have found.

Costume ideas:
1. Dia de los Muertos. This is one one of my most favourite halloween costumes ever! These ladies look mysterious and absoletly fantastic.

2. Native American. Inspired by Pocahontas) I've always loved their folk culture.

3. Gypsy. I love these old soviet movies like "Gypsies camp goes to sky"(Табор уходит в небо) and "Imperceptible avengers" (Неуловимые мстители). So this outfit is inspired by my favourite characters and of course, Esmeralda.

4.  Circus Lady. I waslistening to Mika Nakashima and this idea appeared in my head. Why don't dress up like Mika in her music video "Candy Girl"?

5. Venetian Princess. You can create this wonderful look and make a mask by yourself. Or you can draw it on your face.

6. But what if your friends have just invited you to a party and you have only 20 minutes left to get ready? First of all stop your panik and relax. I have a good idea for you.
Put on your favourite jeans you wear all the time. Don't worry if they are dirty - it is not bad. Then add a simple grey shirt and a dark sweatshirt  (it can be violet, green, blue, black, grey, brown, purple). Next put on your converse and let your hair down (it will be good if they are a little messy). The best point  is that you don't have to waste your time on make up at all. Well, you're done! Go to the party and say everyone you're Bella.


Сет kristen пользователя smarty♥ с long sleeve tops

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